CBC News - Montreal - Quebec Hells Angels owe property tax on bunkers: "Hells Angels have outstanding property tax bills on their vacant bunkers.
The bike gang's chapters in Quebec were paralyzed a year ago after over 100 members were arrested in anti-gang raids. Seizure orders by the Justice Department of the gang's bunkers left them off-limits and unused.
Most of the gang members are in jail and unable to pay the property taxes.
'The Hells Angels owe us a little more than $12,000 altogether,' said Ivan Toutant, a spokesman for the city of Trois-Rivières.
The city has yet to receive the gang's property taxes for 2009, said Toutant, and nothing has been paid for 2010. He said that interest continues to accumulate.
According to Toutant, the building in Trois-Rivières will likely be repossessed and sold.
'We have to wait until the end of the jurisdictional procedures before the sale of the bunker,' said Toutant.
The Hells Angels also owe more than $2,000 in property tax on the bunker in Sherbrooke"
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Friday, 9 April 2010
CBC News - Montreal - Quebec Hells Angels owe property tax on bunkers

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