Lennard Kirby was shot several times in the chest at a house in the southern suburb of Jandakot yesterday afternoon. Assistant Police Commissioner Wayne Gregson says the incident was drug-related and not a confrontation between rival gangs.The other man shot was an associate of the Gypsy Jokers, Alexandro Scilio, who also has a history of drug offences.Both men were at the house in Peppworth Place when a group of men arrived by car and Kirby and Scilio were shot after an altercation.Associates took the injured men to the St John of God hospital in Murdoch in the back of a ute.
Assistant Commissioner Gregson says both victims are refusing the cooperate with police."At this stage their condition is noted I believe as stable," he said.
"Kirby's a little more serious than Scilio and we will be talking to them again, but as often the case with these types of people they are uncooperative." Police are looking for a blue Suburu Impreza they believe was used by the group responsible for the shooting. It was last seen speeding north on the Kwinana Freeway.
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Monday, 18 May 2009
Gypsy Jokers,Lennard Kirby was shot several times in the chest at a house in the southern suburb of Jandakot yesterday afternoon

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