Finks outlaw motorcycle gang member has been charged with interstate kidnapping and gun offences dating back to the year 2000.The 39-year-old was nabbed during a police raid on a property at The Slopes, near Kurrajong in Sydney's north west.Sonya Roberts from police headquarters says he is expected to be extradited to South Australia."The 39-year-old was taken to Windsor police station and charged with an outstanding South Australian warrant."He appeared in Penrith Local Court today and was granted conditional bail to reappear at the same court on the 9th of June."At that time South Australian detectives will make an application for his extradition."
A 39-year-old will face numerous charges, including several which relate to an aggravated abduction and armed robbery that occurred in 2000 in Klemzig, in Adelaide's northern suburbs.The man will also face charges of aggravated cause serious harm and blackmail, which police allege were committed in 2008 in the northern Adelaide suburb of Kilkenny.The man, along with a 29-year-old Finks member from SA, will further be charged with aggravated cause serious harm, aggravated robbery, blackmail and attempted aggravated serious trespass offences, which were allegedly committed at Kilkenny in 2009.A police spokesman said the victim of the more recent assaults was hospitalised on each occasion with serious injuries, including multiple fractures to his jaw, face and ribs.The victim suffered a collapsed lung, severe bruising and facial lacerations, he said.The 29-year-old Finks member will also be jointly charged with a 30-year-old South Australian man for drug trafficking and unlawful drug possession after police searches on Friday uncovered about 170 grams of a substance believed to be amphetamine and a significant amount of cash.
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Friday, 5 June 2009
29-year-old Finks bikie member will also be jointly charged with a 30-year-old South Australian man for drug trafficking and unlawful drug possession

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