Evidence from more than 300 anonymous witnesses is the backbone of the case against 13 bikies accused over the Sydney Airport melee that a year ago today left Hells Angels associate Anthony Zervas dead.
One witness, numbered 301, alleges the participants were "crazy, like raging bulls" with "fists smashing into each other's bodies".The details of the Crown case can be revealed for the first time today from a brief of evidence tendered to Central Local Court ahead of a July committal hearing.In a key plank of their case for murder against all 13 Comanchero members, the Crown alleges bikie boss Mick Hawi was seen swinging a bollard in the direction of Mr Zervas' upper body "as you would putting or doing a chip shot".
"[He] didn't lift the stand high ... but he swung it very powerfully," witness 99 told police in a statement.
Witness 270 alleged at least two people were attacking Mr Zervas, one "bashing downwards with a bollard" and up to three more attacking him on the ground.Police have descriptions consistent with men from both sides - including Comanchero Christian Menzies and Mr Zervas' brother Peter - using bollards "as makeshift weapons". The prosecution alleges Mr Zervas died from both blunt trauma to his head and three stab wounds to his chest and abdomen.One wound was allegedly inflicted by a pair of scissors found with broken handles in Mr Zervas' own clothing while the other two were likely caused by a single blade knife.That knife, police said, was retrieved from a drain at Sydney Airport, allegedly dropped there by Comanchero road captain Fares Abounader as he fled the scene.Police will also allege a DNA profile consistent with Hawi was found under Mr Zervas' fingernails.Police allege five Comanchero on QF430 from Melbourne - Hawi, Canan Eken, Christian Menzies, Maher Aouli, and Pomare Pirini - clashed with Hells Angels city chapter president Derek Wainohu on the flight, prompting a flurry of text messages calling for reinforcements for both sides "in anticipation of a potential violent incident". (Wainohu has not been charged).Two Comanchero who have pleaded guilty to riot and affray - Arnold Loto and a man whose identity is suppressed - have given lengthy police interviews claiming Hawi was attacked first, by Mr Zervas who stabbed him in the neck.
Police said they linked others to the scene by what they left behind - Comanchero Tiago Costa a shoe, Eken a satchel and Hells Angel David Padovan his shirtThe other Comanchero accused are Zoran Kisacanin, Usama Potrus, and Francesco LaRosa.
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Sunday, 21 March 2010
"crazy, like raging bulls" with "fists smashing into each other's bodies".

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